03 Aug 2022

The TechOceanS consortium met virtually, with the EC, on the 6th and 7th of July 2022 for the first Interim Project Review. Partners presented in detail the progress, advances, and achievements of their work packages over the first 18 months of the project as well as planning for the upcoming period.

The meeting opened with a warm welcome and introduction from the EC Project Officer, establishing the objectives and focus of the review. An overview of the project was presented by the Project Coordinator Matt Mowlem (NOC), setting the scene for technical discussions. The first day saw presentations from Theme 1- Genomics, Theme 2- Imaging and Optics, and Theme 5- Dissemination and Engagement.

During the second day, the technical discussions continued with Theme 4- Cross-Cutting and Testing, and Theme 3- Microsensors presenting. The meeting concluded with an internal discussion between the Project Officer and EU expert reviewers who later relayed a summary of their recommendations and conclusions to the consortium.

As a general outcome, the Project Officer and the expert reviewers representing the European Commission, provided very constructive and valuable feedback, along with recommendations for further improvement for the next period of the project. Their overall conclusion was that the project has fully achieved its objectives and milestones for the period.

It was noted that ongoing and planned research will likely provide novel results with significant immediate or potential impact in the next reporting period. The consortium was praised for its collaborative spirit with the Project Coordinator Matt Mowlem being commended for his leadership in this effort.

Well done team TechOceanS and keep up the good work!