15 Sept 2022

From the 6th to 8th of September 2022 TechOceanS team members participated in Challenger 150: The Challenger Society Conference 2022 organized by the UK Natural History Museum together with Imperial College and the Challenger Society for Marine Science. The Challenger Society Conference 2022 marks the 150th anniversary of the Challenger expedition and celebrates the birth of international and interdisciplinary oceanography. The three-day international conference, held in London, gathered more than five hundred participants and featured more than two hundred and fifty presentations by internationally recognised experts in the marine science community.

Project coordinator Matt Mowlem presented “Technologies for Ocean Sensing (TechOceanS project)” on behalf of the TechOceanS consortium on Wednesday 7th of September as part of Science Sessions ‘2b - T6 -Towards a Net Zero Oceanographic Capability’. This talk outlined the innovative technologies the TechOceanS project is developing and their potential impact and applications. Some of the specific novel research driving these impacts was on display in the poster sessions where TechOceanS was well represented by three posters:

  1. A Combined Total Alkalinity and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon sensor for autonomous chemical oceanography. Euan Wilson et al.
  2. OceanGliders Oxygen SOP v1.0.0: A good example of open collaborative scientific work. Patricia Lopez-Garcia et al.
  3. Microcytometer for monitoring Harmful Algal Blooms. Fabrizio Siracusa, Susan Evans, Allison Schaap, Chris Cardwell, Jon Butement, Dan Spencer, Hywel Morgan, Matt Mowlem.

Congratulations to all the team members who presented their significant and innovative research!

TechOceanS team members presenting their research during the poster sessions