
To ensure that TechOceanS maximises the economic, social and positive environmental impact of all innovations and learning generated through the project, Theme 5 is dedicated to effectively communicating, disseminating and transferring results, activities and knowledge. This will involve employing a robust strategy to engage with other research projects and institutions, those stakeholders who stand to benefit from TechOceanS’ outputs, policy makers and the general public. Theme 5 will strive to ensure that the results from this project find their way to the people who are best situated to use them for the betterment of our planet’s oceans and our understanding of them.

Work package 2

This WP is responsible for developing and implementing the TechOceanS strategy for engaging with potential industry users of TechOceanS innovations, as well as with other researchers and projects, policy makers and the general public. This WP is dedicated to establishing and strengthening networks in order to receive feedback and exchange valuable knowledge. It also takes steps to raise the profile of the project and ensure appropriate measures are taken to protect the intellectual property being produced by the consortium.


  • Keegan Porter
  • AquaTT

Work package 7

WP7 is responsible for implementing and carrying out innovative and proven Knowledge Management systems to ensure that all the innovations being developed in Themes 1-4 are being appropriately identified and assessed in order to provide the most positive impacts from the project as a whole. This WP will also ensure the project data are managed in such a way as to maximise their access and re-use.


  • Keegan Porter,
  • AquaTT

Work package 12

This WP is dedicated to ensuring that the many innovative results developed in TechOceanS are brought to the external actors in the best positions for maximising the project’s positive societal impact. This WP also includes measures to ensure that national, European and international policies are kept informed and updated to allow for the implementation of these innovations in a timely manner and where they are most needed. The WP continues the efforts of the previous WPs in promoting both the project and the overall field of research, promoting public awareness and engagement with the issues being addressed by TechOceanS.


  • Cliona Ní Cheallacháin,
  • Intrigo