The genetic code of DNA and RNA is universal to all life on Earth. Extracting genetic elements from water samples is a powerful tool for surveying and monitoring the organisms living in our oceans, including those that pose risks to humans and industries such as aquaculture. However, the current samplers capable of this kind of high-resolution measurement are too expensive and complicated to be widely used.

Theme 1 will develop low-cost, user-friendly ecogenomic samplers and Nucleic Acid (NA) sensors. These technologies will enable more organisations to conduct effective collection, processing and analysis of a high number of samples. Facilitating a greater range of sampling activity will power new insights into life in the oceans.

Work package 3

This WP expanded existing technologies to increase throughput for ecogenomic sampling and the development of a Nucleic Acid (NA) sensor, encompassing sampling, processing, and analytics.


Work package 8

This WP built upon the designs and prototypes developed in WP3 by synthesizing the components, assays, and loosely integrated systems based on microsensor insights from WP5 and cross-cutting testing and best-practice concepts developed in WP6. In this way, WP8 developed prototypes of the samplers and sensors capable of being tested and validated in simulated and representative coastal environments.


  • Prof. Electra Gizeli,
  • IMBB,

Work package 13

Building on previous work in the theme, WP13 advanced the ecogenomic samplers and NA sensors to a pre-commercial level. This WP produced full-scale prototypes capable of live trials in real-world environments. It incorporated lessons learned from the previous WPs in this theme and coordinated with the other technical themes—especially Theme 4—to ensure that the prototypes developed aligned with best practices and were fully compatible with the other TechOceanS technology suites and targeted platforms.


  • Dr Julie Robidart,
  • NOC